Types of Calls

The majority of calls are password resets and new user requests.  Most requests are from people who want to access their Business Area’s data, which needs to be approved by their security officer.  If a user requests access to data outside their Business Area, the Security Officer from the area owning the data needs to approve the request.  For example, if a DSS employee requests Mental Health data access, the DMH SO must approve of it.


Business Area

Security Officers (SO)

Password Reset

New User ID

Retire User ID

Information to Collect


Use CSC DSS Security Officer list


Robin Register – robin.register@ncmail.net

SO must make the request

SO must make the request.  The request must be an email or fax from the SO.

User Name

Business Area


Phone Number

Email Address

DSS- Central Registry

Use CSC DSS Security Officer list


Sara Mims – sara.mims@ncmail.net


Kate Johnson – katherine.johnson@ncmail.net

SO must make the request

SO must make the request.  The request must be an email or fax from the SO.

User Name

Business Area


Phone Number

Email Address

DSS - Child Support Enforcement

Daisie Blue is the security officer.  Email is Daisie.Blue@ncmail.net


Robin Stallings is backup SO.   Email is Robin.Stallings@ncmail.net


Nancy Hicks is backup SO

Email is nancy.hicks@ncmail.net

Users may make the request

SO must make the request.  The request must be an email or fax from the SO.

User Name

Business Area


Phone Number

Email Address


Security Officers should be contacting Sharon Moore directly and she will send a request to customer service. If Security Officer contacts customer service, contact Sharon Moore at Sharon.D.Moore@ncmail.net for approval.

SO must make the request

Sharon Moore must approve first both situations.

User Name

Business Area


Phone Number

Email Address

DMH - Mental Health

Tom Palombo is security officer. Email is tom.palombo@ncmail.net.


Anita Curtis is backup SO.   Email is Anita.Curtis@ncmail.net

Or DMH Local Security Officers -



SO must make the request

SO must make the request.  The request must be an email or fax from the SO.

User Name

Area Program / Institution

Phone Number

Email Address

DCD - Subsidized Child Care

Carol Carnley, DCD



Julia McMillian, DCD



Tammy Freeman, DCD



Regina Brooks, DCD



DSS & DMA Local Security Officers -




Users may make the request

SO must make the request.  The request must be an email or fax from the SO.

User Name

Business Area


Phone Number

Email Address

DCD – Smart Start

Carol Carnley, DCD



Julia McMillian, DCD



Tammy Freeman, DCD



Regina Brooks, DCD




SO must make the request

SO must make the request.  The request must be an email or fax from the SO.

User Name

Local Partnership Name / Business Area

Phone Number

Email Address

DCD – Regulatory

Monique McKinzie, DCD



Tammy Freeman, DCD



Regina Brooks, DCD





SO must make the request

SO must make the request.  The request must be an email or fax from the SO.

User Name

Business Area

Role (Central Office, Regional Manager, Supervisor, Consultant, Reports only)

Phone Number

Regulatory user ID

Regulatory Team Number

Email Address

DCD – Criminal Records

Patricia Andrews, DCD



Tammy Freeman, DCD



Regina Brooks, DCD






SO must make the request

SO must make the request.  The request must be an email or fax from the SO.

User Name

Business Area

Role (Central Office, Regional Manager, Supervisor, Consultant, Reports only)

Phone Number

Regulatory user ID

Regulatory Team Number

Email Address

DCD – Early Childhood Workforce

Karen Ferguson, DCD



Tammy Freeman, DCD



Regina Brooks, DCD



SO must make the request

SO must make the request.  The request must be an email or fax from the SO.

User Name

Business Area

Role (Central Office, Regional Manager, Supervisor, Consultant, Reports only)

Phone Number

Regulatory user ID

Regulatory Team Number

Email Address

DPH – Public Health


SO must make the request

SO must make the request.  The request must be an email or fax from the SO.

User Name

Business Area


Phone Number

Email Address

DPH – Public Health – Immunization Registry


 SO must make the request

SO must make the request.  The request must be an email or fax from the SO.

User Name

Business Area


Phone Number

Email Address

DOA – Guardianship


SO must make the request

SO must make the request.  The request must be an email or fax from the SO.

User Name

Business Area


Phone Number

Email Address

DOA –  NOT Guardianship

Ann Cratt is the security officer.

SO must make the request

SO must make the request.  The request must be an email or fax from the SO.

User Name

Business Area


Phone Number

Email Address


Kevin Kelley – Kevin.Kelley@ncmail.net


SO must make the request

SO must make the request.  The request must be an email or fax from the SO.

User Name

Business Area


Phone Number

Email Address

Other Business Areas


Contact csdwsecurity@ncmail.net

SO must make the request.  The request must be an email or fax from the SO.

User Name

Business Area


Phone Number

Email Address

Organization or Person Outside of DHHS

Define what data they want access to and determine which business area it belongs to or forward to csdwsecurity@ncmail.net






·         Password Reset

§         Required action –reset password with BO user ID CSDWPasswordReset.  Call person designated as gatekeeper in the table above with password.  DO NOT email passwords.

§         Use CSC Rule for Password determination

§         Remember to:

§         Uncheck “Disable Login” checkbox

§         Check “Enable Real Time User Rights Update” checkbox

§         Check “Change Password at Login” checkbox

§         Check “Password Validity (45 days) “

§         Check “Periodic Action” checkbox

·         User Request to Change Current Password:

§         If user is unaware of method to change their own password within Business Objects, provide them with instructions:


·         Add New User / Modify User Permissions

§         Info to get from security officer–Required action

1.      (CSC) Verify that the requester is the appropriate security officer. 

2.      (CSC) Get required information to collect from the security officer

3.      (CSC) Within Business Objects Supervisor, Search for the person’s last name (to avoid duplicate Ids)-

·         If the UserID does not exist: Set users up using CSDWCreateUser ID, and proceed to the next numbered step.

NOTE:  If an error is made during setup and multiple records are created for a single user, simply right-click on the unwanted record and select Delete.

·         If the User ID exists already, and the request if for the same person: Proceed to the next numbered step

·         If the User ID exists already, and the request if for a different person: Create the user ID using the person’s middle initial

·         Use CSC Rule for Password determination

§         Remember to:

§         Uncheck “Disable Login” checkbox

§         Check “Enable Real Time User Rights Update” checkbox

§         Check “Change Password at Login” checkbox

§         Check “Password Validity (45 days) “

§         Check “Periodic Action” checkbox

4.      (CSC) Forward email to mailto:csdwsecurity@ncmail.net?subject=Grant New CSDW User Universe Access. 

5.      (CSC) Call the security officer to give them the new user’s password.  Notify them that the actual CSDW Universe setup will be completed within the next few hours (or by the next morning if request received after 4pm).  Use the phone number that is on our security officer list. 

6.      (CSC) Send the new user email to the new user.  The email is located at http://www.csdw.status.dhhs.state.nc.us/newuser/new_user_email_text.pdf.  You will need to edit the email to include the user ID, the security officer’s name, and your name. 

NOTE:  In the event the new user does not yet have an email, you may use the Security Officer's email address for notification if the SO agrees.

7.      (CSDW) Assign to appropriate Security Group(s).


Retire /Disable user

§         Info to get from security officer–Required action

1.      Verify that the requester is the appropriate security officer. 

2.      Within Business Objects Supervisor, Search for the person’s last name -

·         Disable the User ID

·         Uncheck the “Enable Real Time User Rights Update” checkbox

3.      Call the security officer to confirm the user ID was disabled.


·         Training

§         Training questions are usually about location and times of training.  The training organizer sends out an email a couple of weeks before the class that includes location and times. 

§         Training is typically from 10am-4pm.  It may differ.

§         Users can sign up for training through the button on the DW login page or at https://www.dw.dhhs.state.nc.us/training/default.asp.

§         If a user calls and wants you to sign them up for training, you can do it.  You can also walk them through the sign up process.

§         CSDW offers off-site training.  If a person is interested, refer them to the repository web site to get the hardware/software configuration..  Repository web site is http://www.csdw.status.dhhs.state.nc.us .  They also need a training room with at least 12 PCs that meet the configuration requirements.  Get the contacts name, phone number, business area, and county.  Send this info to csdwsupport@ncmail.net .  Make sure that you do not imply any commitment to off-site training at their location.

§         If a person wants to be removed from a class or waitlist, send e-mail to csdwsecurity@ncmail.net

§         About 2 weeks before the training is scheduled an email is sent to registered participants to confirm the date, time, and location of the class, including driving directions.


·         Security Issues

§         Security Officer changes: Security officers can not add or remove security officers to our list.  All changes to Security officers must go through someone at the State level, by Business Area.

§         https: If the user is having trouble accessing the web site, make sure they are using https.

§         Check Browser: The user can also run the Check Browser function.

§         Encryption: You may have to have the user check their browser version and cipher strength.  128-bit encryption is required.

§         ActiveX: The first time a user logs in, they may get something asking them if they want to install ActiveX.  The answer is yes.  If they have a seat management machine, open a ticket with the seat management support group, otherwise they should contact their LAN Admin or whoever is in charge of their computers.

·         Printing

§         Users often have problems printing from Business Objects.  Recommend that the user download to excel.

§         If the user does not want to download to excel, they need to go to the settings tab and change the rows per page to equal their row count.   This will give all results on one page.

§         The user should make sure that they have clicked on the report before they try to print it.


·         Query will not run

§         When the user hits run query, the query will not run.  The box continues to say Run Query.  Their browser is not making the connection to our database.

·         The user can try to minimize the browser, maximize it, and then try to run again.

·         The user can refresh and then try to run.

·         The user may have to close the browser and log back in to try to run the query again.


·         Others

§         If you get a call that you don’t know how to handle, get the person’s info including a summary of the problem (if possible), and send an email to csdwsupport@ncmail.net. When CSDW team resolves the user question, they will notify CSC team that ticket can be closed.


Issues Log –If a user requests access to data not already loaded in CSDW, please forward the request to csdwsupport@ncmail.net, for it to be added to the CSDW Project List.  This document is reviewed on a biweekly basis with all CSDW Business Owners.